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A Conversation With The President Of Spartan Motors Specialty Vehicles

Let’s face it, whether you’re currently a motorhome owner or if you’re in the midst of the selection process, there’s a good chance that you have a long list of questions. But the biggest question of them all is: Where do you go for answers?

As I’ve stated in previous posts, shopping for a motorhome is a confusing process. It’s my experience that most salespeople are more than cordial and are well equipped to answer questions regarding financing and do a respectable job guiding a prospective purchaser through various models. However based on the sheer assortment of brands and models jam-packed on the floor of a motorhome super store these days, it can be difficult for even the most seasoned of salespeople to provide easily understandable explanations of the differences between models. This can result with the buyer making a decision based on floor plan or cosmetics and overlook the importance of the foundation.

When it comes to motorhomes, the chassis is the foundation of the house and it’s important to understand that beauty is only skin deep.

After all, if you were buying a house wouldn’t you want to know if it was built with wood or concrete? When it comes to motorhomes, the chassis is the foundation of the house and it’s important to understand that beauty is only skin deep. Knowing what’s underneath should be given more attention than a comfortable recliner. After all, if a chair malfunctions, it may be uncomfortable, but it won’t leave you stranded on the side of the road.

Based on conversations with prospective purchasers and from posts found on various motorhome oriented forums, it seems that buyers are typically more focused on what’s inside the coach than the foundation that lies underneath. Common advice seems to state the first thing a prospective buyer should consider is the floor plan and I’ll go on record and disagree with this philosophy and feel that while the floor plan is important in factoring the livability of a specific model, the foundation determines the quality of the ride and the long term serviceability and reliability.

Spartan ChassisLet’s face it, hidden within the underpinnings of a motorhome is a complex assortment of wiring and components and learning proper basic maintenance techniques is not something that’s often provided at motorhome dealerships. This is why I’m happy to report that at least one major chassis manufacturer is taking the lead and providing an enhanced method of training and while it’s currently only available after the sale, it is a noteworthy program that is rapidly expanding.

Spartan Training AcademyIn the video found below, you’ll meet Steve Guillaume, the President of the Specialty Vehicle Division of Spartan Motors and we discuss a variety of motorhome related topics. Spartan utilized the setting of the RV Super Show in Tampa, Florida to provide ride-along demonstrations of its Collision Mitigation System and to send the message of how the right blend of technology can make for a safer driving experience.

Spartan’s Collision Mitigation System combines adaptive cruise control and active braking that work in conjunction and to similar features found in enhanced packages on various automobiles. While Entegra was the first manufacturer to incorporate this system in its early release 2017 flagship Cornerstone model and one that I jumped at the opportunity to review last year, it’s now available on Newmar’s King Aire and will be coming this Spring to Foretravel’s Realm.

In this interview we discussed a variety of topics ranging from Spartan’s Collision Mitigation System and its passive steer axle to what motorhome owners can do to ensure they spend more time on the road than they do awaiting service. I’ll provide a sneak peek and tell you the answer to that question is education and Spartan seems to be leading the pack in this arena.

In summary it seems Spartan has answered the big question and best place to go for answers lies below your seat and is found in the foundation.

There’s quite a bit more to this conversation so enjoy the video. As always, your comments are welcomed here, on my Facebook page, or on your favorite motorhome forum.

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