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Hey, RV Manufacturers: Do You See This Marketing Opportunity?

Sometimes we have to search for a marketing opportunity, but on a rare occasion it just falls into our lap. It seems this could be the situation surrounding the motorhome industry at this very moment. But the question is: Do they see the same thing I’m seeing? If not, allow me to state the obvious:

It seems the effective message is that traveling by motorhome is a much more comfortable way to travel than by air.

Traveling by air these days can be a frustrating experience. Yes, turn on the news and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Screen Shot 2016-05-16 at 1.58.32 PMHowever, the difference between a rookie and a pro is knowing when that opportunity surfaces and how to quickly and efficiently react with a proactive, positive marketing campaign that touts that your product or service is the answer to a growing problem.

It seems the effective message is that traveling by motorhome is a much more comfortable way to travel than by air. While it may not be as quick to get from point A to point B, there’s something to be said about traveling comfortably and not being stuck in a long line just to have the opportunity to be jam-packed on a crowded airplane.

Hello Motorhome Manufacturers: This opportunity is staring you straight in the face. Just turn on the news, click on a website or watch what people are talking about on Twitter or Facebook and you’ll quickly see a problem in which you have a solution.

A Better Way To Travel!

Unlike the old days of relying on print publications to accept a pitch from a PR person to get a story in a newspaper, today, all it takes is a few keystrokes and even the smallest of companies can make a big splash using social media. So, I’m wondering why the motorhome manufacturers aren’t seeing the frustration of air travelers having to wait in long security lines at airports and understanding this is the opportunity they’ve been waiting for to pitch the concept traveling comfortably in a RV?

Last week it was a technical glitch that left 3,000 pieces of luggage on the ground in Phoenix and not en route on the same flight as the passengers.

Luggage stays with you when you travel by RVToday, it’s a reported two hour wait just to get through the security line at Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

Airport Travel Mess - Traveling by RVAnd, the Summer travel season hasn’t yet begun.

Traveling by RV could eliminate airport headachesTo my Friends who may be wondering why I’m considering the purchase of my first motorhome need to look no further than the long airport waiting lines. But, why aren’t the motorhome PR folks seeing this situation and spinning it into a major opportunity and promoting the comfortable alternative of traveling by RV?

Who Knows?

To have the opportunity to tease the weary travelers with the joys of comfortable travel is like a dream come true to a savvy company with marketing skills.

So, my question is: Which motorhome manufacturer will be the first to start a proactive campaign that touts the ease and comfort of traveling the USA in a RV?

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