Casino Slot Machines

Who would have thought that The Gadget Guru would become one of the leading slot machine aficionados in the USA? When you think about it, considering that Andy covered consumer electronics for nearly three decades and that video games and amusements were a part of his coverage, it’s truly not a stretch. These days, modern slot machines have advanced from the old three reel one arm bandits to complex video game like machines that require explanation. Since Andy’s mantra has always been to take complex subjects and make them easy and fun to understand, I think you’ll see why he’s a natural in this industry. While you can check in on to see a new slot machine video each day, you can also subscribe to his YouTube channel and follow him on Facebook and Instagram



Hitting Bonuses with $5, $10 & $15 Spins!

In this video, I’m using a reverse stair step method and hitting bonuses starting with $15, then $10 and finally at $5 per spin. So, with each at 10 cent denominations, how will the bonuses differ? If you prefer to bypass the commentary and see only the bonus round, here’s... Read More

Winning Is Much More Fun Than Not Winning!

It would be great if all slot machines acted this way! Two bonus rounds and a great line pay. Chapters 0:00 Intro 1:44 Tampa Facebook Group 7:38 Ball Bonus 9:12 Great Line Pay 9:51 Ball Bonus Click Here For A Free Subscription To The Gadget Guru’s YouTube Channel SEMINOLE HARD... Read More

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